Class notes

Skills incorporated- Week 2-4 (09/10/20)-

During our lessons we have been focusing on a range of different skills, getting back into the habit of performing arts. Specifically we focused on improving our physical skills. Stamina was a main component of the warmups, having to be able to retain a certain position and actively move our bodies as a class. Additionally we focused on developing our physical and mental strength as a company. We recognised that once we gave up on something, we said that we couldn't continue. So we banned the words "Can't" and "Cannot" to show that we are aiming to achieve something a the end of each lesson. Regardless of the difficulty of the performance, we persevere and strive to accomplishment.

Performing Arts definitions-

Interpretive skills-

Interpretive skills using dramatic techniques, such as hot-seating, role on the wall and thought tracking, to enable you to use your voice and body to communicate a character or role

Physical skills-

Techniques eg movement, body language, posture, gesture, gait, co-ordination, stillness, timing, control; facial expression; eye contact, listening, expression of mood; spatial awareness; interaction with other performers; dance and choral movement.
